YellowLite solar was named one of two solar installation companies that have been awarded status of preferred installer for the Cuyahoga County Solar Co-Op. As of this writing, over 130 people have signed up to be part of the co-op.

Co-op members selected the companies through an open and competitive bidding process. The co-op is open to new members through the end of the year. The deadline is December 31st, 2016.

YellowLite Proud To Announce Participation In OH SUN Cuyahoga County Solar Co-Op!

Joining the group is not a commitment to purchase panels. The chosen installers will develop an individualized proposal for each co-op member. Co-op members can then decide if going solar makes sense for them. Co-op participants can save up to 20% off the cost of their installation by going solar with the group.

The OH SUN Cooperative has two on-going groups in Lorain and Delaware counties with two additional upcoming groups in Worthington county as well as Southeast Ohio as represented in the Appalachian region.

OH SUN stands for the Ohio Solar United Neighborhoods and is part of the Community Power Network, a national nonprofit that helps communities build and promote local renewable energy projects and policies. The first solar co-op started in Washington DC and helped more than 300 homeowners go solar. The Community Power Network is currently supporting state projects in Washington DC, (DC SUN), Maryland, (MD SUN), Virginia (VA SUN), West Virginia (WV SUN), Ohio (OH SUN), and Florida (FL SUN).

The OH SUN final decision resulted in a panel discussion between community leaders who looked over the merits of the individual company RFP submissions. The Cuyahoga County co-op is expected to be the largest co-op yet with as many as 200 people expected to sign up by the end of the year.

The co-op is probably the best value for individual homeowners who decide to go solar since the average installation will be discounted by around 20% in relation to normal system pricing. This is in addition to the 30% Federal Tax Credit that is already offered.

Interested homeowners can contact YellowLite directly by going to our site at, calling us at 216 333-1364 or going to the OH SUN website and signing up at